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What Body Contouring Method Is Best For You?

Writer: LusterLuster

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

As I've began to introduce more modalities, I know some of you may have questions and may be even a little confused.

The upside is that if you come to me for body sculpting, I will consult with you on your goals and current health and level of activity, and I can come up with the most effective treatment for you, taking the guesswork out of things.

However, if you have been following along, or you are someone who has been doing research before diving into sculpting, you might have preferences on which treatments you would prefer, and you are welcome to pick and choose which parts of body sculpting you would like included in your sessions.

I will give a quick summary of the different modalities and treatments I offer. Some of these options need to be paired with others in order to be effective, and some can be used stand-alone.

Sauna Blanket- Like a cocoon of heat that helps stimulate the lympathic system, and can activate thermogenic gel/cream wraps.

Vibration Plate- A vibrating platform used at the beginning of a session to wake up the lympathic system.

Red Light (Low Level Light Therapy & Laser Lipo)- Red light at specific wavelength and strength to open the cells temporarily, allowing a chemical response for effective fat loss. This can be in the form of a therapeutic grade bulb, a special belt with diodes, or paddles with diodes placed on the body.

Thermogenic & Lypolitic Gels/Creams- These are put on prior to wrapping with osmotic film or Saran wrap. Either body heat alone or a sauna blanket is used to help warm the product.

Liquid Lipo™️ is a branded topical product that begins the fat dissolving process. It can be used alone with wrapping, or included in a body sculpting treatment.

Wood Therapy- Various wooden tools used to help reduce cellulite, increase blood flow, and aid in lympathic drainage.

Virtual Mesotherapy- Energy is used to help push lipolytic serums deeper into the skin to reach the subcutaneous layer. (fat)

Ice Therapy- A more natural alternative to the machine-operated body contouring. A freezing cold clay mask infused with skin nourishing ingredients is applied to the area of treatment, stimulating thermogenesis. This can be a personal preference, or can be utilized by those who can't use other options due to contraindications and health concerns.

Lipo-Cavitation- Ultrasound technology used to help empty the contents of fat cells. Can not be used on face or over spine.

Radiofrequency- Used in conjunction with either Lipo-Cavitation and/or vacuuming to help with collagen production. Often when one loses weight, skin can become loose. This can assist with skin quality. Radiofrequency can also be used solo for those who want to tighten skin on body but don't need to lose fat. Can also be used for face.

Vacuum- The last step closing any mechanical body contouring treatment. Gentle suction moved in the direction of lymphatic flow to help the body get ready to dump the fat content broken up by contouring.

Yesotherapy- A stand-alone or complimentary treatment that involves using a gypsum-based casting wrap that hardens. Skin is coated in a protectant that is often lipolytic of nature, and the cast is worn for up to eight hours. Skin is nourished and a tightening can be observed.

In a typical body sculpting session, I will use a variety of these options in combination to get you the best results!

Some of these options have an additional cost due to the products I have to utilize, and I will be upfront with that when we discuss treatment options.

Hopefully I helped make things a little less confusing!

Please contact me if you ever have any questions.

I have more information under Body Sculpting on my page as well.

To book, click here


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