In part 1, I went over lash volume.
This blog post is about lash styling. Yes I know, this all seems complicated. There are so many different options, the combinations seem endless. But ultimately this is a good thing! You can work with your lash artist to come up with something that's just right for you and the look you desire.
Always bear in mind, any given set will look different on everyone, even if you try and duplicate something you see. Everyone has different eye shapes, sizes, facial features, etc.
You may have heard of a couple of styles, maybe something like Cat Eye, Doll Eye, Natural, etc.
These names are simply referring to the lash mapping. It doesn't dictate length or volume, it simply refers to the different length placement in the map. The map of course extends from corner of inner eye to corner of outer eye. So you could have a short Cat Eye, a moderate Cat Eye, or a long Cat Eye map. Same follows for any of the other styles. When you choose a style, it determines the shaping of the look in general.
Here is a brief rundown of some of the most common different styles:
This is one of the most requested maps. The lashes go from shortest at inner corner to longest at outer corner. These can play up almond shaped eyes well, or flatter more rounded eye shapes.

This follows the "normal" lash pattern of natural lashes. This is shorter inner and outer corners, longest lashes falling in the middle. This choice is for someone who wants a natural look of course, maybe even an appearance of having mascara on.

This look also has the longest lashes centered, but is a very uniform build up and build down. The very outer and inner corners will be the same length. This look helps small eyes appear larger, and gives depth to deep set eyes. It can also open up hooded eye shapes.
Very similar to doll eye with a little more blended length difference in the map between the middle and ends.

This is similar to the Cat Eye effect, but has more of a tapered look at outer corners. The lash artist will probably use a different type of lash extension curl pattern to make this look work.
Wispy styling can be used with any of the above maps. A noticeable variation of length placed throughout the map gives lashes a "wispy" effect.

Next Blog Up: Lengths and Curl